留学在线 > 美国 > 签证办理 > 美国留学签证面签注意事项有哪些


2022-06-27 14:08    来源:留学在线       阅读量:



1、What will you study in the United States? (你将在美国学习什么?)

I will study for my Ph.D degree in Electric and Computer Engineering in Auburn University.

2、What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?(你的专业是什么?你准备修什么方面的专业?)

What's your favorite subject? My major of undergraduate study in ZhongShan university is Computational Science and my major of Ms' degree in Peking University is Computer Engineering. My specified field of study is Video and Image Processing.

3、What will you do in USA? / Are you going to study in USA?(你准备在美国做什么?/你准备在美国学习吗?)

I will study for my Ph.D degree in Electric and Computer Engineering in Auburn University. I plan to finish my study in about 4 years and then come back to china.

4、What is your purpose for the visa? (你的签证目的是什么?)

I need a F-1 visa in order to study for my Ph.D degree in Electric and Computer Engineering in Auburn University. I plan to finish my study in about 4 years and then come back to china.

5、What is your academic background? (你的学术背景是什么?)

I got my bachelor's degree in Computational Science in 2006 from ZhongShan University and got my MS's degree in Software Engineering in 2010 from Peking e processing is my favorite research field, I have published several papers and a book on this field and I also have two years working experience on that.

6、How do you know this Univ.? (你怎么知道这所大学的?)

I searched the Ranking of University in Electric Engineering on line and read the schools among the top 100 lists, visited their website to get familiar with their faculty and research. I found there are 7 professors in Electric department in Auburn University whose research interest includes image processing, very many, then I decide to apply for this University.





4、万一出现被拒签的情况,也不要慌张,更不要当场翻脸做出什么出格的举动,也没有必要和签证官理论。因为你在使馆的一举一动都会被记录下来的,并且会影响你下一次的申请。如果被拒签了,了解好原因,平静的说一声“Thank you”就好。千万不要试图争执,回来再签咱们仍然有很高的通过率。





